
Soccer Stars RSVP

  • Soccer Stars Application

  • Please contact Chanie Baitelman with any questions! 818-262-5016 or


  • I agree to release the Valley Friendship Circle and its providers and administrators, from all liabilities for any incident which affects the health, welfare and safety of my child during the provided transportation.

  • I give permission to The Valley Friendship Circle to transport my child to and from excursions while my child is in their care. I agree to release the Valley Friendship Circle and its providers and administrators, from all liabilities for any incident which affects the health, welfare and safety of my child during the provided transportation.

  • Emergency Information:


  •  I hereby give consent for my child to participate in all activities of Valley Friendship Circle Summer Circle both on and off site, trips, transportation to and from trips etc., unless I advise you otherwise in writing.

  • $0.00
  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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