What is the Valley Friendship Circle?

Valley Friendship Circle's unique approach brings together teenage volunteers and children with special needs for hours of fun and friendship. These shared experiences empower children with special needs, while enriching the lives of everyone involved.

Children with special needs bloom and gain the confidence they need to make the most their abilities and talents. 

Teenage volunteers learn the priceless value of giving, the curative power of friendship, and the vital importance of integrating children with special needs into our communities.

Parents and siblings receive much-needed respite and support from the Friendship Circle community, and all those who assist it.

The Friendship Circle links volunteers, children, parents, staff, and supporters in a seamless circle of friendship that makes miracles happen every day.

The Valley Friendship Circle is a 501- C-3 non-profit, non-sectarian organization that addresses the challenges facing the families of  children with special needs in a  novel and innovative way.

 The program begins with the pairing of local teenagers with children for weekly "Friends at Home" visits, but hardly ends there. Through a full range of activities and events, the Friendship Circle creates its own special environment of friendship and love.

sunday circle.JPGValley Friendship Circle

The Valley Friendship Circle was founded in 2001 by Rabbi Yossi and Mrs. Chanie Baitelman. Today, there is a growing Friendship Circle community that includes children, families, volunteers and staff members. The Valley Friendship Circle offers numerous services and programs.

The Valley Friendship circle serves the entire San Fernando Valley.

Read some of what Volunteers, Parents, and Families say about the VFC - Click Here

To join the Friendship Circle Click Here